So the Prince of Darkness endorses Kamala. What does it mean? Hamilton Nolan has a take that I mostly buy.
The main thrust of the article is that it's about U.S. national power. I agree. Harris, like Hillary, shows no sign of not being committed to it. Obama showed at least a crack of daylight in this regard with his references to “The Blob,” by which he meant the U.S. foreign policy consensus. A key decision on his part was declining to get the U.S. more stuck in Syria.
Contra Bernie and some others, I don't think Cheney’s endorsement is about democracy at all. That's just Bernie's reach for the best political common denominator. Now is no time to try and uproot the long-standing U.S. foreign policy axioms.
My quibble with Nolan is the over-emphasis on U.S. military spending. Bill Clinton curbed the growth of defense spending, and he was no peacenik. These days U.S. imperialism does not rest on gunboats; it's finance and politics. An exception is its surrogate, Israel. The intelligent imperialist understands the U.S. defense budget is full of waste. Recall that the British dominated India with a thin sliver of their own citizens.
Trump is a weird anomaly in all this — fundamentally unstable and undependable, and guilty of the cardinal sin of undermining NATO. If the Deep State was anything to worry about, it would have put a banana peel in front of him by now.
The great power arms ratios
Are in motion
Uncle hedge needs to keep his edge
The race is always there
But thru events *
its inflected recently.
Sooo here goes
if we get harris
And lord only knows
if we get
agent orange part 2
* u know