Damn Finance
My two cents on SVB and Signature Bank closings. There are at least two different ways to think about this episode.
The popular one is rich people got bailed out, the rest of us (e.g., student loan holders, debtors) don't, WTF. That's fine for agitational purposes.
A bit deeper, though, is that under this version of capitalism, when the financial system suffers a crisis, fixing it inevitably entails making wealthy people and institutions whole. The alternative of "creative destruction" -- the government standing back and letting the market sort out the losers and cull the herd -- glosses over the reality that in the absence of even a modest system of social protection -- social-democracy, in short -- among the losers in the cleansing process will be a lot of small fry. Otherwise viable companies go under, their blameless employees get screwed.
I don't think there is any simple way of fixing this. Regulation tends to be compromised over time. Replacing private with public banks is a generational project, and public banks are susceptible to financial blunder too. Improving regulation and social protection looks like the only route, accomplished bit by bit, or in fits and starts.