It works like this. Israel helps elect Trump, Trump reverses any initiatives pertaining to climate change, allows Putin a free hand in Central Europe, allows Bibi and his psycho colleagues a free hand in Palestine threatening regional peace, Iran responds to Israeli attacks, Trump attacks Iran. Waging war on Iran, the latter responds to the U.S. with one of their numerous military capabilities, then it’s 9-11 time again. Watch what you say, etc.
How would Israel elect Trump? By tearing apart the Democratic Party. A sickening, motley assortment of nominally liberal or moderate voices endorse police attacks on non-violent campus protest encampments. Violence at these sites has undoubtedly been worsened by Israeli-inspired, if not explicitly paid and directed, provocateurs, though general ignorance of Judaism and Zionism, as well as bigotry, generate freelance anti-Semitic acts as well. Democrats, including liberals, get mad at each other. Biden’s electoral effort is sabotaged.
Doing their bit is a coalition in the U.S. Congress helping us to a bad definition of anti-Semitism, including a motley assortment of Democratic members of Congress. This affords spineless university bureaucrats more space to set police on peaceful campus protests, as the line between anti-Semitic acts and speech on the ground becomes more vague. A better definition of anti-Semitism endorsed by oodles of Jews and Israelis is here.
Best move for the good guys is to support non-violent protest of Israeli and U.S. policy on campuses and acknowledge shades of gray and worse. I’d say the dominant story right now is university administrations indulging violence by police and others against pro-Palestinian demonstrators.
I saw one bit online to the effect that students only support free speech out of some ulterior motive regarding Palestine. So what? You can stand up for free speech alone, but typically the purpose of speech is not speech in and of itself. Speech in the abstract is fine as a cause, but it doesn’t have to be the limit for everyone else.
2016 redux: Per Tom Ferguson, in an INET analysis of the 2016 election, what propelled Trump to victory was an influx of dark money from Sheldon Adelson and other wealthy US donors (in August, when T’s campaign was flagging, IIRC). Trump’s subsequent actions in the ME were Adelson’s ROI.
Good take, Max.