Latest MAGA Assault on Virginia Public Schools
This is the latest bullshit. The MAGA elevator pitch is that woke public school administration refuses to notify families with successful National Merit Scholar finalists (Asian students) for the sake of "equity," thereby diminishing their prospects for college admissions.
The message is cross-amplified by the usual suspects. I spent a minute trying to ascertain the sources. There are two issues. One is did this happen, and two is was it because of some 'equity' concern. The first could be nothing more than some bureaucratic screw-up, but it elevates the latter. It turns out the sourcing for the equity bit comes down to just one parent. I can add that evidence for this being any sort of official policy, rather than a mistake by a school administrator (though as noted, the evidence for that is slim), is totally lacking.
The equity element supports the continuing MAGA use of public schools as whipping boys in one of Virginia's Democratic strongholds.