More on the Loudoun Public School Scandal
After I published it came to light that the Grand Jury did indict the county school superintendent and one of his top deputies. He was fired the day after the report came out, but he was also awarded another year's salary (annual salary $323K plus a $12K 'vehicle allowance plus benefits'). I'm guessing that firing him for cause would have relieved the county of paying an extra year's compensation but wound up in equally expensive litigation.
Nobody is defending the superintendent. All the Democrats agreed he had to go. But the (Democrat-majority) School Board should have run their own investigation, not have to be prodded by the state A-G and a Grand Jury. They did not act promptly after the first assault. Now the Rs get to crow I told you so for the next twelve months.
I think the Grand Jury was wrong to say both assaults could have been prevented. There were certainly signs the boy was trouble, but he could not have been the only one. In the absence of anything solid, the authorities can't shadow a student 24-7. Kids are good at finding that gray area where they can be provocative but dance on the line and not over it. After the first assault, of course, it became a different story.
The politics of this are going to bad for the county and the state and LGBTQI in general.