At the encampments, there are good and bad models of progressive protest. That’s to be expected because their participants are diverse, and the scope for self-policing and collective discipline, short of the use of force, is limited. The implication for us is to accentuate the positive.
In the good old days, the standard right-wing gambit for a mass anti-war demo was to find the person with the craziest, most perverse sign, and publicize that. Now it’s being done at Columbia and elsewhere. Note it may not be difficult to find objectionable expressions but, as noted above, that is to be expected.
Citing one or another anti- this or that devolves to another pointless shot in the information warfare. Accentuate the positive.
I see little more that can be done, other than demanding the severance of any sort of local contact with the state of Israel (not Jews) and arms manufacturers, and a full cut-off of U.S. aid to Israel. Note in the latter regard I agree with Michael Goldfarb at the FDRH substack, that a cut-off would not imped Israel’s military operations. The effect, certainly hard to predict or measure, would be political.
What else is there?
I'm a bit more the "the best defense is a good offense" school of political propaganda. I'd be stressing the fact that the right is defining "antisemitism" as "failure to fellate Bibi on command." There are plenty of examples of the abuse of this term. I would also start pushing on the antisemitism in MAGA--their ideology comes straight from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.