This show ought to be getting more attention. Imagine a female ruling executive who is a mashup of Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump, Evita Peron, and Vladimir Putin. Of Thatcher, there is the famous quote from French president Francois Mitterrand: "She has the eyes of Caligula but the mouth of Marilyn Monroe." Kate Winslet brings something like this to life. Her character lies without even seeming to realize she lies, is deeply delusional, and epically cruel.
The regime is styled as English in manners and speech and overlaid on a small, fictional Central European nation that could be Hungary as far as political institutions are concerned. On top of that there is a Putinesque-like geopolitical scenario regarding the nation’s disruptive and aggressive foreign policy.
In one episode we are reminded what a good actor Hugh Grant is.
The show is horrifying and funny for how horrifyingly realistic it is. Season finale is tomorrow night.
What channel is it on?
Just started it; hooked.