When Everybody Talked About Accountability, but Nobody Did Anything About It
(August 27, 2004) Hot stories that scoop the current election debates . . .
1. George Bush launched an invasion of a country that was no threat to the U.S., and that now has us mired in a long-term commitment that has thus far claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 U.S. military.
2. John Kerry did military service in combat, while George Bush did drugs and fornicated in Alabama.
3. The Federal budget, in large part due to Bush's tax cuts, is headed into the toilet.
4. Nobody in a position of authority will be held accountable by the President for the felonious revelation of the name of a CIA agent to the press.
5. Nobody in a position of authority will be held accountable for the U.S. holding a U.S. citizen for two years without trial or counsel. That person is about to be released without charges.
6. Nobody in a position of authority will be held accountable for the Abu Ghraib scandal.
7. Ballot integrity in the upcoming elections remains a huge question mark.
8. Records of the Cheney energy task force, with potential great implications for energy and foreign policy, continue to be withheld from the public domain.
So by all means, let's talk about whether John Kerry really took a piece of shrapnel in the butt, how big it was, and whether it bled.