Hey, have you heard, the Georgia senatorial race between Raphael Warnock and Hershel Walker is going to a runoff? I bet you have. Here are a few reasons to stay interested, the third not very well-known.
1. A vote for Warnock is a nice FU to Joe Manchin, who loses leverage. I speculate that without JM as cover, the Sinema girl would be more reluctant to break from the caucus.
2. Warnock is pretty special as an individual, IMO. Hershel, not so much, though he has a decent chance to be known as the Father of His Country.
3. The extra D vote in the Senate enables the Democrats to stack majorities on all of the committees. Without a 51st senator (not counting the vice president) the committees get equal numbers from each party. With majorities, Democrats can facilitating voting for judges and issuing subpoenas. The latter will matter extra if the House January 6/Trump investigations have to be transferred to the Senate.
I have read that donating to candidates is not very efficient use of funds. In a big race, both sides will have gobs of money. An extra bit doesn’t matter much. A better target would be activist groups on the ground who are doing the hard work of getting people to vote. I have my own little donation link. Until I decide to run for the Virginia state legislature. I can pledge to transfer any funds in that direction.
My county Democratic Party chapter is soliciting phone bank volunteers for this election. Let's get those subpoenas rolling!