Always a pleasure to read your polemics; and to see the rebirth of Mr. Natural! I will send you some money, I think the Assembly needs you. -- this comment written from the Left Coast.
Help me retire him from politics. I'm not necessarily talking about money, though if you have a lot, by all means send me some. I need people too. Boots on the ground.
Always a pleasure to read your polemics; and to see the rebirth of Mr. Natural! I will send you some money, I think the Assembly needs you. -- this comment written from the Left Coast.
Thanks, Larry.
Oh that dude makes my blood boil. He actively ignored me while I was his constituent in Catoctin! 😡
Help me retire him from politics. I'm not necessarily talking about money, though if you have a lot, by all means send me some. I need people too. Boots on the ground.
I’m pretty sure I sent you some last week. But I’ll keep ya in mind for the future because I’d love to see him retired!