Come on Max, you've been complaining about DSA since I started reading you on Substack (or so it seems in my ageing memory). There are alternatives, as you point out in this very post: "Justice Democrats and the Working Families Party are looking better and better." I knew of and admire WFP but hadn't previously heard of JD, so thank you for that, a better alternative for me as I participate in local D politics as a volunteer (e.g., GOTV), as well as phone banking for distant D candidates via Indivisible Marin (IndiMarin).

I encourage you to make the leap. Lend your charisma, your megaphone, your analytic acumen, your polemic brilliance, to a better cause than carping at your feckless comrades. If it sounds like a divorce from a once-beloved now abusive partner -- well, that has its benefits. & out of nowhere I'd remind you of Chekhov: "Medicine is my wife, literature is my mistress." Your own views are your mistress, you do not have to keep justifiably scolding DSA.

BTW, I did throw a couple of posts on Substack. A better venue than my happy domesticity for that sort of thing.

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The democratic socialist brand, no matter how abused by the current DSA "National Political Committee," should not be easily surrendered.

There is still diversity within DSA. The New York membership still formally endorses AOC, and the national membership if polled would do so as well.

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