The Catholic Church in New Mexico is great on economic justice and immigration. The are of course bad on reproductive rights. What Max says is true.

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Thanks for this Max. In the name calling calling out process I see Lenin’s “Left Wing Communism: an infantile disorder.” While not a title with much “calling in” verve the analysis is quite powerful. Maybe DSA could do a read in?

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Navigating inside DSA is quite a chore, I have found.

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Regarding "There is a precedent for entryists using such divisive appeals to siphon off supporters to their own sectarian outfits."

Gotta be able to distinguish real potential allies from poseurs in leftish garb trying to inflate their own operations by confusing people about who's on the left, and poaching an actual left-leaning membership, under the guise of a "left-right alliance" -- e.g. "Rage Against the War Machine."

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