I respect the approach and hope it leads to good things.

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I recall reading on one of your posts not so long ago that your old content went away with your old website, when you forgot to keep the domain provider funded. I've found some of that old site, anyway, at https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://maxspeak.net/ .

If you're unfamiliar with archive.org — I note that I use it frequently for Wikipedia editing: recovering otherwise dead links, finding old movies (e.g. a number of left films by Carl Marzani), borrowing complete books that might not be available, etc. I even posted a pamphlet there myself: SMASH THE CHAINS by Louis E. Burnham, published by the Southern Negro Youth Congress (aka the first "snick"), now available at https://archive.org/details/smash-the-chains . A book that Google Books keeps you from seeing all the pages you want, might be available complete, typically in an earlier edition, at archive.org.

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Thanks, I'm familiar with the archive. Unfortunately it does not include all content.

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