Great offer and I'll take it. "Quamto? Tanto!" at https://tessadecarlo.substack.com/

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Definitely a psuedo-blog as I have been derelict in updating it. http://homertomrabet.blogspot.com Accmulating new material has been more difficult in the age of onslaught of information. The earliest entry (https://homertomrabet.blogspot.com/2006/06/book-notes.html) has by far the most content, but you can get there from the latest which is, alas, several years old. Perhaps this reinspection will inspire me to add to it, as I have had more to say in the interim.

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Is there some kind of feed or subscribe thingy?

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No, it's not Substack or the like. But I can make a point of informing you of an update via this page. My posts there are so infrequent that it would hardly be clutter.

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