Jun 24Liked by Max B. Sawicky

Seems to me a smarter peace camp would keep *Jewish* opponents of Israel's brutalization of Palestinians front and center. Winning the battle for American Jewish opinion (once won) would fix America's Israel policy more quickly than anything else I can think of

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Jun 27Liked by Max B. Sawicky

Max, you might be interested in Waleed Shahid's approach to this question:


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Much of the "peace camp" is neither anti-semitic nor a peace camp. It's the same old tired group of Rousseauvians who attribute everything bad to the White Man and everything good to the Noble Savage. Kheffiyas are the Noble Savage fashion accessory of the day, just like Che berets used to be.

They're not antisemitic. Antisemitism is conspiracism, attributing great strength to the weak. The Rousseauvians accurately identify who is strong and weak. The Israelis are indeed strong, at least as measured by economic and military capacity. The Palestinians are indeed weak.

Nor are they a peace camp. They're perfectly good with October 7, or at least are very reluctant to condemn any aspect of it. After all, October 7 is an act of Noble Savages. It must be good, or at least justifiable.

Of course, they're self-defeating, viewing any "oppositional" tantrum as virtuous and effective.

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