Very well said. I like your response both regarding Israeli actions now as well as your comment about participating in demos led by folks like ANSWER.

Please stay in DSA. The kids especially need you.

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Thanks. Not clear any kids are listening.

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Max, I like your bullet points as a concrete place to start talking about solutions to this problem.

Not sure what you mean by the Hamas attacks being "fomented first" -- who hit who first is a gnarly discussion. For me, the issue there is the extreme power imbalance that has enabled successive Israeli governments to squash all Palestinian aspirations for basic rights and freedoms, decent lives, human dignity, and nationhood, for so many decades.

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"Fomented first" was meant to note the sequence, Hamas attacks, followed by IDF and settler responses. It could probably have been said better. Of course there is a lengthy history of IDF crimes that preceded this past week.

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Prisoner exchange? If by "prisoner," you mean hostage, I don't think this will work. After Gilad Shalit, I think that the Israelis have priced themselves out of this market, especially if it is not contingent on a ceasefire. Hamas will gleefully cause thousands of Palestinians to die if it gains them a marginal propaganda advantage. (Israel will gleefully kill thousands of Palestinians to gain -- I don't quite know what.)

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