I’ve been noticing something odd in the behavior of three of our local MAGA worthies, in ascending order of prominence: Geary Higgins, running for the lower house of the state legislature in my own neck of the woods, Loudoun County, Va.; Hung Cao, failed contestant for Congress in the state’s CD10 and rumored contender for Senator Tim Kaine’s seat, which is up next year; and Governor Glenn Youngkin.
These guys have some pretty weak demagoguery. Our side can demagogue far more effectively, with the advantage of it being true. Abortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortion. Oh, and did I say "abortion"?
These guys have some pretty weak demagoguery. Our side can demagogue far more effectively, with the advantage of it being true. Abortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortionabortion. Oh, and did I say "abortion"?